Sunday, December 9, 2007

Well my dear i realistairsed that i have bin slack and have not bin bothered to keep in contact with any one and it is about time that i did something with my slack arse and rang your fines as (i don't really think it is fine, i was just beaing nice) hahaha JOKES.. i am sure some hot as noosa county bumkin concurs with me in saying the FELICITY HAS AN ASS AN ASS THAT IS FINE AS! hahaaaaaaa sort of ryhmed there you can call me MC NICOLE the Phattest MC to hit the block ya'll i am going to maks a song called felicity and it will become famous you'll see hahaaa. well my dear i never said thankyou for you writing me the lovely myspace message it was beautiful and did make my day and i apologise for not showing my grattitude earlier and writing a message back to yo i understand that it would have bin more appropriate but HAY as if you care (i know that i wouldn't) but you know what they say better late then never well would you listent o me iam freaking rambling on like some crazed idiot! any hoo what has been happening in your life my dear i will update you on my not so interesting highlights point number one - I GOT THE JOB AT CITY BEACH WOO HOO howver ther fuckers said that i need more enthusioni will fuckin show them enthusiasm hahaaaaaaaa i will give them so much enthusiasm they will haveto stop using enthusiasm as a criterea for new employees to meet. point number 2 - well you won't find this interesting but i do and you know how excited i get about my parent MY DADDY IS HERE but gos on tuesday (boo hoo) but i have had a fantastic weeke with him and he has just brightened up my life. point number three - MET YO MAMA'S PARTNER oo hoo ain't he just the sweetest thing it ust so happened that yo little beautiful mama was staying at good ol abbon the nicke time a my papi. he seemed sweet looked a bit old but chaneele point number 4 - well yer my life is boring so it pretty much ends there but i am very excited about seeing you and if you would like a new pair of bikini's or somethim just ask and you shalll recieve from you best friend who now works at SHITTY BEACH and get's discount but only you becaue i love you ok!!


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